It's Kind of a Funny Story: a movie review

The story begins with Craig (Keir Gilchrist) a smart teenager with a bright future. But to Craig the future does not seem to bright, feeling the pressure to well, feeling alienated from his parents. Starts having suicidal thoughts. When he goes to the doctors, and he wants to be cured quickly, feeling he might be a danger to himself. But Craig is gonna learn is that there is no such thing as a quick fix, when he is checked in to the mental ward at the hospital, and he has to stay there about a week. Craig does not like it, but makes the best out of it. During that he meets Bobby (Zach Galifiankis) and Noelle (Emma Roberts), but will Craig make it through the week?

The real treat about this movie is the performance from Zach Galifianakis and Emma Roberts. Both of them do a superb job, and left me wanting even more. The entire script is actually funny, and I mean funny as in you will be giggling the entire movie. This movie just makes you feel good, it makes you want to experience life even more. It has a great message, and keeps to the plot of the book a lot better then most adapted screenplays. Brilliant animations too. If you can remember or relate to what it is to be a teenager under pressure from school, parents, friends, and life in general you will like this movie. It will make you laugh, cry, and be glad to be alive - great film overall.
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About Febbe

I was born in Toledo City but moved to Lapu-Lapu City at a very young age. Grew up, attended school and now, still lives there. She loves movies and saw a little too many. She also watches a lot of crappy tv shows. For some reason, she thinks its relevant to mention that. She played damath and chess on her primary school years. She won games and was sent to other schools to compete. This has turned out to be completely and utterly useless. Now, she's writing about herself in the 3rd person. What's up with that?! LoL! Peace out!